Triple Threat Heirloom Birthstones Ring Chloe KonoMay 24, 2021heirloom jewelry, artisan jewelry, art jewelry, wearable art, metal art, commissioned art, custom made, birthday gift, birthstone jewelry, sterling silver ringComment
Triskelion Symbol and Extract of Tao Te Ching Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, mens ring, sterling band ring, triskelion, tao te ching, chinese literature, buddhism, spiritual jewelry, spiritual gift, artisan jewelry, heirloom jewelry, metal art, wearable art, chloeographyComment
Bow & Arrow for Alex the Best Stay-Home Papa Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, mother and daughter jewelry, matching jewelry, necklace set, bow and arrow necklace, nerd jewelry, geek jewelry, fine jewelry, art jewelry, artisan jewelry, heirloom jewelry, chloeographyComment
Mocha the Big Cat with Many Skills Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, memorial jewelry, cat bracelet, topaz jewelry, heirloom jewelry, art jewelry, artisan jewelry, chloeographyComment
Jeff the Skater Dad with Spiky Hair Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, heirloom jewelry, artisan jewelry, memorial jewelry, jewelry with a story, chloeographyComment
In Loving Memory of Bun Bun the Black Cat with a Chipped Ear Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, kitty necklace, kitty anklet, memorial jewelry, one of a kind jewelry, heirloom jewelry, artisan jewelry, chloeography, fire opal jewelryComment
Viking Wolf Band Ring with Personal Hidden Message Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021CHLOEOGRAPHYcustom made, sterling silver band ring, viking jewerly, artisan jewelry, heirloom jewelry, wolf jewelry, personalized mens jewelry, jewelry with a storyComment