Whimsical Art Jewelry by Chloe Kono


Everyone’s got a story to tell.
Would you like me to tell yours with my beloved acetylene torch?

Tell her she’s special, tell him you miss him, and most importantly, tell me what makes you smile.

In Loving Memory of Bun Bun the Black Cat with a Chipped Ear


Meet Bun Bun

the mysterious black cat with a sweet and loving soul.

She came to my friend Petrina's life about 5 years ago. For all you animal-loving friends out there, it's not hard to understand how much fuller your life gets with the four-legged buddies rubbing their fluffy heads against yours. Unfortunately, also because of that, it is incredibly difficult when they leave you for good. However, pet owners wouldn't have it any other way, because it is worth it.

So she might have left the world physically, but spiritually Bun Bun sure is still tagging along. I am honored to have the opportunity to create two pieces for Petrina, reminding her that as brief as it was, Bun Bun had a great time leaving little paw prints all around her house, and ultimately, in her heart.

Piece #1: Sterling Silver Anklet

The first piece I made was a simple sterling silver anklet, outlining her elegant silhouette. Cats steal our hearts effortlessly with that. I've layered the metal on two of her legs and one of her ears, to give a sense of dimension to the piece. Some light forging was also added to create a non-laser-cut look.
Her name was stamped on and a dark patina was applied within the grooves.


Bun Bun is now walking with Petrina wherever she goes.

Piece #2: Sterling Silver & Copper Pendant with Fire Opal

The inspiration of the second piece came from this precious trick Bun Bun did. Apparently this talented little lady used to carry a basketball toy (among others) to Petrina in order to get attention. No, I did not make that up. Just watch the video! 

What a special kitty cat. To honor that, I've set a 10mm fire opal in a copper bezel cup for the basketball. For the unbearably adorable face, I used one of my favorite techniques- photo etching with PnP Blue. (Now obviously there are many variations of etching method, but if you're curious enough, Professor Arh's demonstration will give you a good idea.) Great details were transformed onto the sterling silver piece that I hand-pierced out afterwards.

I've also used a traditional technique called Repoussé to create a gentle suggestion of the facial structure. Then, another detail is also added to make her eyes more alive- I've pierced out her eyes from etch piece #1, (along with a little bit of surrounding areas for extra material I needed to form tiny curved bowls for the eyeballs) and soldered them from the back, onto the pierced etch piece #2. After all, eyes are the window to the soul they say. The extra miles are well deserved.

I couldn't be happier with how these two pieces came out, aesthetically and symbolically. I never had the pleasure of meeting Bun Bun in person, but through this project I really feel like she's become my buddy too. Hey buddy, the special place you have in your mama's heart is forever irreplaceable. I know that much.


If this post makes your heart sing, please feel free to share. And don't hesitate to send me a message if you are interested in immortalizing your beloved furry buddies.