Jeff the Skater Dad with Spiky Hair Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021custom made, heirloom jewelry, artisan jewelry, memorial jewelry, jewelry with a story, chloeographyComment
Viking Wolf Band Ring with Personal Hidden Message Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021CHLOEOGRAPHYcustom made, sterling silver band ring, viking jewerly, artisan jewelry, heirloom jewelry, wolf jewelry, personalized mens jewelry, jewelry with a storyComment
Statement Necklace Preserving Wisdom Chloe KonoMarch 23, 2021CHLOEOGRAPHYartisan jewelry, custom made, commissioned art, oddities, tooth fairies, wisdom tooth, moon jewelry, alternative jewelry, jewelry with a story, chloeography, personal story, be unique, you do you Comment